My future job

Like I always say, I’m not sure about my future in general, but I must admit that sometimes I feel desperate because all the people do always the same questions about jobs and money and opportunities and that kind of things, but none ask about what makes me happy and actually  I’m not sure about archaeology’s jobs, I feel that are too traditional for what I want. 

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I learn that for an archaeologist exist a limits job’s opportunities, that are investigation or environmental impact , for the first one is necessary have a lot of knowledge about a specific area and it’s completely difficult get projects, so that’s an option that takes a lot time and I feel that doesn’t have a social role, because the only import things are show the results in a congress  to other scholars and that's it. Well, environmental impact is not very different, the only thing that change is that you sell your soul to huge company, so the communities are the last thing important in that case.

So, it seems like maybe in future I won't have a great job  but my plan is maybe for some years work 
in impact ambiental and try to involve  communities in that projects or developed a project by my own, but maybe first it will be necessary that I work in other country and there try get more experience In that case I like to work in a museum in art, and learn a lot of art, is more like a dream but maybe a museum like louvre. 

Finally the only thing that I’m sure is that I want to  travel a lot, meet different kind of people and shared with them what I believe about heritage and art, so about salary really I don’t care, the only thing that worries me is have a place to live and food. I prefer a life of happiness and good memories than just stress and worry about money.


  1. We are two travelers! I believe that the experience of traveling once you have it, can't be left anymore. Never stop dreaming, if art is what you want, go for it. I wish you the best luck


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